Gong Xi Fa Chai!

February 14, 2010 § 1 Comment

It’s the Year of the Tiger – Happy New Year!

§ One Response to Gong Xi Fa Chai!

  • DShan says:

    Hey Mingaling!

    This is gonna be an odd comment; I was talking with some ATL bloggers who are a part of the blog community I run called 20SB, and your name came up.

    You see, I was approached by the people behind an Athenos party tomorrow night (yes, hummus!) in Atlanta and they are looking to give bloggers a VIP offer to attend – it’s a trivia party with prizes, food, drinks, and whatnot, at Cellar 56.

    Thing is that we’re short on local 20SBers, and I was wondering if you or someone you knew might have an interest.

    Anyway, I hope this doesn’t feel like spam; I’m just reaching out to bloggers doing cool things in the area. You can reach me at the blog or email listed on this comment!


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